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INN Weather – AUGUST 2022



JANE BUNION: France! Let’s talk about France and their soaring summer heat wave, where human-induced climate change has pushed temperatures into the 40C’s, melting cheeses and making the French more irritable than ever. The’ve already taken their own government to court over 2021, which was found guilty for its insufficient efforts to tackle the climate problem in France.

“Human-induced climate change has pushed temperatures into the 40C’s, melting cheeses and making the French more irritable than ever.”

This follows an unprecedented 40C maximum in the United Kingdom earlier this year, pushing their average summer temperature to a scorching 17.1C.

And now, finally, our 9-and-a-half-day forecast and as you can see   umm… you can see it, ahhhh… if you tilt your head a little and… Can they see it?

SANDY: Wow, thanks Jane! I guess the ol’ Bureau of Meteorology will have to lift their game now, hey? 

JANE: What do you mean?

SANDY: With their forecasts? They’ll need a 10 day forecast to compete with your work!

JANE:  Well, I hope not!? We’ve worked hard on this! I don’t think they can even fit 10 days on a screen can they.. Can they fit 10 days on the screen?

SANDY: Thanks Jane!